Security System Installation

From strategically placing surveillance cameras and motion sensors to integrating smart access control systems and alarm panels, we ensured comprehensive coverage and seamless functionality throughout the property. Our skilled technicians adhered to industry best practices and safety standards, guaranteeing the reliability and effectiveness of the installed security system.


Our project focused on the installation of a comprehensive security system in a residential property to enhance safety and provide peace of mind for the homeowners. The primary objective was to implement a robust security solution that offers protection against intrusions and unauthorized access.

Scope of Work:

Security Assessment and Planning:

  • Our team conducted a thorough assessment of the property to identify vulnerable entry points and security risks.
  • Based on the assessment, we developed a customized security plan that included the installation of surveillance cameras, motion sensors, access control systems, and alarm panels.

Product Selection and Procurement:

  • We selected high-quality security equipment from reputable manufacturers, ensuring reliability and performance.
  • Equipment procurement included surveillance cameras, motion detectors, smart locks, control panels, and connectivity devices.

Installation Process:

  • Skilled technicians expertly installed each security component according to the customized plan, adhering to industry standards and safety protocols.
  • Wiring was carefully routed and concealed to maintain the aesthetic integrity of the property while ensuring functionality.

Integration and Testing:

  • After installation, the entire security system underwent rigorous testing to verify its effectiveness and reliability.
  • Integration with existing home automation systems and mobile applications was ensured for seamless monitoring and control.

Quality Assurance:

  • Our quality assurance team conducted thorough inspections at every stage of the installation process to ensure compliance with industry standards and client requirements.
  • We performed simulated intrusion tests to validate system responsiveness and identify any vulnerabilities for prompt remediation.

Client Satisfaction:

  • By providing a comprehensive security system, we empowered the homeowners with the ability to monitor and protect their property effectively.
  • Our commitment to delivering reliable security solutions and exceptional customer service ensured the satisfaction and peace of mind of the clients.


The successful completion of the security system installation project underscores our dedication to providing innovative security solutions for residential properties. Through meticulous planning, precise installation, and thorough testing, we deliver a comprehensive security infrastructure that meets the unique needs and preferences of our clients, safeguarding their homes and loved ones against potential threats.

Our prices

It’s Always Good to Know Our Average Prices

Approximate time: 2 hours

With our team of skilled electricians and commitment to cutting-edge technology, we deliver exceptional service tailored to meet the demands of modern living. From residential upgrades to commercial projects, trust MyRODASH to power your world with ingenuity and reliability.

Average service cost: $95

Variations in pricing may occur due to factors such as the complexity of the required service, the specific materials needed, and any additional customization requested by the client.

But it is much better to get an accurate calculation for your needs

Why Choose Us

Because We Offer Modern Electrician Solution

  • Family Values

    As a family-owned business, we understand the importance of ensuring that everything works seamlessly for your family. We prioritize safety, reliability, and efficiency in every project we undertake, treating your home as if it were our own.

  • Expertise

    With years of experience in the field, our team of skilled electricians possesses the knowledge and expertise to handle any electrical challenge. From simple installations to complex troubleshooting, we have the skills to deliver top-notch results.

  • Personalized Service

    When you choose MyRODASH, you're not just another client – you're part of our extended family. We take the time to listen to your needs, offering personalized solutions tailored to your unique requirements. With us, you can expect attentive service and a friendly, approachable team dedicated to your satisfaction.